Category: Media Engagement

Communication is a field bedevilled by misguided perceptions. Many think it’s about glossy corporate images and the perfect 'spin'. On the contrary, the most effective communication stems from authenticity. To truly connect with your audiences, you'll need to dig deep and communicate empathetically in order to achieve mutual goals.

B’ spoke is a repository of real-world communication advice, analysis and related musings.

6-min read

During a recent conversation with a marketing executive, it became clear to me that as more and more social media platforms come online, even professionals in the field could lose sight of their communication goals. He said because of TikTok's popularity, he wanted to use it to increase his company's thought leadership and influence to […]

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6-min read

Tennis star, Naomi Osaka's recent remarks about her interactions with the media and dislike of media training have sparked lively public discussions on the relationship between elite sportspeople and the media. The following statements certainly caught the attention of journalists and communication coaches all over the world. "I've often felt that people have no regard […]

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8-min read

While 'authenticity' seems to have become a buzzword in recent years, few people truly understand what it means in the context of executive communication, be it during a media interview or a dialogue with stakeholders. Many reach for superficial definitions such as 'being yourself', but what does 'being yourself' really mean? To showcase their authenticity, […]

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5-min read

A business owner accustomed to being frequently approached for media interviews recently told me that few media outlets have been interested in speaking with him since Covid-19 hit Singapore. These days, if your story isn't related to the pandemic or its economic, political or social repercussions, you're not likely to make the news in any […]

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3-min read

Communicating complexity is challenging, especially when presenting information to people who know nothing about your area of expertise. On top of this, audiences today are unrelentingly assaulted by data. As a result, they tend to have much shorter attention spans and much lower thresholds for complex ideas. Demand for data scientists is indeed growing faster […]

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5-min read

A person's first few media interviews are typically marked by anxiety. Aside from the stress that comes before and during the interview, even more extreme emotions such as shock and/or distress often set in when they view or listen to the final product. The usual reaction is, "But I said so much more than that […]

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